Research on migration as a factor that exerts pressure on social systems
a methodological proposal based on Luhmann
Migration is usually studied from two perspectives: a macro-social perspective, which focuses on the economic variables of expulsion or attraction; and a micro-social one, which is concerned about the daily existence of its protagonists. In both cases, migration is viewed as a process and the existing data makes it possible to measure it and establish its causes, flows and trends. Methodologically speaking, however, it is also possible to view it in a different manner and understand it as a factor. In this way we can inquire about the type of pressure that it exerts on the societies that people migrate from and to: What is the magnitude and nature of the pressure? How can it be determined? In this paper we will develop a methodological proposal that will serve as a heuristic tool for generating and processing information about the position of societies that experience migration on a permanent basis.
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