The object in use

a reflection about the experience with reality

  • Sebastián López Universidad Nacional de Colombia
Keywords: Design, Phenomenology, Image


The issue of the visual in design encompasses a series of connotations that go beyond the image and its development. The problem revolves around how to understand the experience of being within the everyday, through a lens of phenomenology. This lens allows us to reconsider readings of contexts from cultural and social perspectives, recognizing that our closeness to people and the sense of inhabiting the world can be accessed through elements such as the body, situatedness, and time. This is achieved through analysis and reflection on listening to music in the city while engaging in movement. The interactions generated by this activity present a view of design as an agent that unveils the meaning of everyday experience through the perception of visual phenomena arising from its contact with reality. To this end, there is an inherent connection between design and the visual as fields of knowledge, united by their realm of action: the real and the artificial.

Author Biography

Sebastián López , Universidad Nacional de Colombia

Graphic designer, specialist in design pedagogy, and Master's degree holder in design from the National University of Colombia. Currently pursuing a Ph.D. in design, art, and science from the Jorge Tadeo Lozano University in Bogotá. Member of the research group TEI-D (Technology, Experience, Inclusion, and Design) at the National University of Colombia.


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How to Cite
López Ospina , S. (2023). The object in use. {Común-A}, 4(1).