The fable of Mr. Potato Head or the playful dismemberment in certain instances of Western culture.
As a beloved playful object of Western culture in the last century, Mr. Potato Head has been a part of the childhood of many children around the world and, as a result, has resided freely and innocently in millions of households. However, this does not overlook the epistemological difficulties and debates that arise from a more detailed analysis of its playful premise, its problematic functioning, and above all, its image quality. Inspired by the "fabulous procedure" of French philosopher Georges Didi-Huberman, this text seeks to trace a cultural and historical genealogy, in the form of a montage, that not only questions and contextualizes the symptomatic properties and dialectical nature of the renowned Hasbro toy but also pays academic tribute to this iconic American toy that has become a part of the imagination and rooms of children.
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