From the black universe

on the human foundations of color

  • Andrés Abril Non
Keywords: Poetry


François Laruelle is a French philosopher, emeritus professor at the University of Paris X (Nanterre), and director of the Organisation Non-Philosophique Internationale. He has gained recognition primarily for the concept of "non-philosophy," a theoretical and performative gesture that seeks to rescue thought from the philosophical decisional act. Among his published works are Machines textuelles: Déconstruction et libido d’écriture (Seuil, 1976), Principes de la non-philosophie (PUF, 1996), Introduction au non-marxisme (PUF, 2000), Le Christ futur. Une leçon d'hérésie (Exils, 2002), and Tetralogos: Un opéra de philosophies (Éditions du Cerf, 2019). Some of his texts translated into Spanish include "No-filosofía, o la democracia en el pensar" (Ideas y Valores n.° 98-99) and "Principios de no-filosofía" (Materia Oscura, 2020).

Author Biography

Andrés Abril, Non

Anthropologist, philosophy Master's student, and translator. Among their translations are "¿Cómo salvar lo común del comunismo?" by Érik Bordeleau (Bellaterra, 2017); "Foucault anonimato," also by Érik Bordeleau (Cactus, 2018); "Potencias de la invención" by Maurizio Lazzarato (Cactus, 2018); "Pensar con Whitehead" by Isabelle Stengers (Cactus, 2020); "Ficciones del pragmatismo" by David Lapoujade (Cactus, 2021); "El libro de las larvas" by Marion Zilio (Cactus, 2022); and "Maneras de ser viviente" by Baptiste Morizot (Isla Desierta, 2023). They are a founding member of [Otros presentes], a research and dissemination collective that aims to create spaces for contemporary thought to flow. Currently, they work as a high school teacher and collaborate as a translator for Editorial Cactus and Ediciones Isla Desierta.


Texto original en francés: Laruelle, F. (1988). Du noir univers: dans les fondations humaines de la couleur. La Décision Philosophique 5, 107-112.
How to Cite
Abril, A. (2023). From the black universe. {Común-A}, 4(1).