The experimental method, association method, and other scientific approaches
The reflections on this topic that I set forth in this article stem from a critique to the opposition between qualitative and quantitative that is frequently made in the human sciences. This distinction undoubtedly makes sense when referring to the approach one takes to problems. However, I believe the distinction made in relation to the investigative method, the opposition between quality and quantity, is superficial and in appropriate. There are several reasons for this, but in this article I will mention only a few. For now we can commend that although many use these categories, only a small number actually explicitly defend them. It thus appears more justifiable to attempt to deal directly with these brief considerations, in other words, to propose a distinction. The three investigative methods that I will attempt to distinguish herein are not in and of themselves innovative, but I believe it is nevertheless useful to delve into the nature and scope of the differences between them.
This essay was translated from Italian into Spanish by the author, with the collaboration of Nélida Archenti, Romina Deriu, and Juan Ignacio Piovani. This essay was also enriched by the discussions between the author and Nélida Archenti.
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