From Aeschylus to Aristotle

Reflections on the Structure of Greek Tragedies

  • Daniela Montes Bernal Pontificia Universidad Javeriana
Keywords: Greek tragedy, Organicity, Verisimilitude, Mimesis


This article addresses a specific aspect of the history of Greek tragedies, focusing on the changes in the formal structure of Attic theater in 5th century BC, and particularly on those that took place in the works of Aeschylus and Aristotle. Our interest lies in Aristotle’s notion of the Greek tragedy. We attempt to understand the implications of the Aristotelian notion of theater, which deform the value of its musical past and end up defining and naturalizing a concept of tragedy that implies its rationalization, which has a clear effect on the current notion of the poetic experience.


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How to Cite
Montes Bernal, D. (2017). From Aeschylus to Aristotle. {Común-A}, 1(1), 43-79.